Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association: Laughable at Best, Criminal at Worst: Why Adventist Clergy Leave Pastoral Ministry



Session C

Event Website

Start Date

25-5-2023 11:25 AM

End Date

25-5-2023 11:50 AM


This presentation highlights Findings from a qualitative, study of former Adventist pastors. The analysis reveals a number of conditions that lead clergy to leave pastoral ministry for other endeavors. These findings are important in stabilizing the pastorate in North America. We conclude with recommendations to Church administrators and educational institutions.

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May 25th, 11:25 AM May 25th, 11:50 AM

Laughable at Best, Criminal at Worst: Why Adventist Clergy Leave Pastoral Ministry

Session C

This presentation highlights Findings from a qualitative, study of former Adventist pastors. The analysis reveals a number of conditions that lead clergy to leave pastoral ministry for other endeavors. These findings are important in stabilizing the pastorate in North America. We conclude with recommendations to Church administrators and educational institutions.