
Session C

Event Website


Start Date

26-5-2023 11:40 AM

End Date

26-5-2023 11:50 AM


This presentation will outline the results of a quantitative, non-experimental study conducted with students at a faith-based university in the US to explore the levels of food insecurity on its campus. The presentation will include implications for policy and practice applicable to other faith-based institutions of higher education.



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Weaver R., Vaughn, N., Hendricks, S., McPherson-Myers, P., Jia, Q., Willis S., & Rescigno K., (2020). University student food insecurity and academic performance. Journal of American College Health, 68(7), 727-733. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2019.1600522

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May 26th, 11:40 AM May 26th, 11:50 AM

“Feed My Sheep”: A literal mandate?

Session C

This presentation will outline the results of a quantitative, non-experimental study conducted with students at a faith-based university in the US to explore the levels of food insecurity on its campus. The presentation will include implications for policy and practice applicable to other faith-based institutions of higher education.
