Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association: Blooming After the Storm: Transforming Women’s Lives Through Education


AdventHealth Univrsity, Orlando, Florida

Start Date

18-5-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2022 12:00 AM


Using the empowerment education framework (Freire, 1970) and transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1978), we studied the lives of six Adventist Romanian women through narrative inquiry. The participants’ stories went through the process of data metamorphosis and data representation (Muccio, Reybold, & Kidd, 2015). Recur- rent metaphors and motifs are real world vs. desired world, emptiness vs. completeness, internal storm vs. external storm, transformation vs. stagnation.

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May 18th, 12:00 AM May 21st, 12:00 AM

Blooming After the Storm: Transforming Women’s Lives Through Education

AdventHealth Univrsity, Orlando, Florida

Using the empowerment education framework (Freire, 1970) and transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1978), we studied the lives of six Adventist Romanian women through narrative inquiry. The participants’ stories went through the process of data metamorphosis and data representation (Muccio, Reybold, & Kidd, 2015). Recur- rent metaphors and motifs are real world vs. desired world, emptiness vs. completeness, internal storm vs. external storm, transformation vs. stagnation.