Presenter Information

Jerry Chase


Virtual Conference

Start Date

19-5-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2021 12:00 AM


This presentation will briefly introduce the concept of geodemographics, how the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists conducted a marketing study in the mid-1980s, and what they learned from the study. The paper will conclude with how to replicate the NAD market research study simply and inexpensively with today’s technology.


May 19th, 12:00 AM May 21st, 12:00 AM

Leveraging Geodemographic Data for Human-Subject Research: A Missiological Application.

Virtual Conference

This presentation will briefly introduce the concept of geodemographics, how the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists conducted a marketing study in the mid-1980s, and what they learned from the study. The paper will conclude with how to replicate the NAD market research study simply and inexpensively with today’s technology.