Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Adventist Online Learning Conference / Conferencia de Aprendizaje en Línea: Creative Worship Experiences in an Online Environment
Andrews University

Creative Worship Experiences in an Online Environment

Presenter Information / [REQUERIDO] Información del ponente

Leni Casimiro, Adventist International Institute of Advanced StudiesFollow

Strand / Líneas

Student Services Online: Trends and Practices / Servicios estudiantiles en línea: tendencias y prácticas

Room Number


Abstract / Resumen

Faith development is one of the hallmarks of Christian education. But experiencing true worship in an online environment can be a challenge. Participants will learn creative ways of designing worship activities, both in the course level and school-wide, that make a difference in the lives of online students.

Start Date

11-10-2017 2:00 PM

End Date

11-10-2017 4:15 PM

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Oct 11th, 2:00 PM Oct 11th, 4:15 PM

Creative Worship Experiences in an Online Environment

Presenting onsite (preferred) / presentación in situ (preferido)

Faith development is one of the hallmarks of Christian education. But experiencing true worship in an online environment can be a challenge. Participants will learn creative ways of designing worship activities, both in the course level and school-wide, that make a difference in the lives of online students.