Digital Commons @ Andrews University - Adventist Online Learning Conference / Conferencia de Aprendizaje en Línea: Student Centered Learning in a Blended Learning Approach
Andrews University

Presenter Information / [REQUERIDO] Información del ponente

Sharon Aka, Adventist Learning Community, North American Division Office of EducationFollow

Strand / Líneas

Teaching, Learning and Assessment Online: Trends and Practices / Enseñanza aprendizaje y evaluación en línea: tendencias y prácticas

Room Number


Abstract / Resumen

Student Centered Learning is an intentional teaching philosophy utilized in the blended learning environment. It’s about facilitating learning, not content presentation. Come discuss building rapport, learning retention, active learning, Bloom’s taxonomy, and the issue of what to do online, versus what to do in class.

Start Date

11-10-2017 2:00 PM

End Date

11-10-2017 4:15 PM

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Oct 11th, 2:00 PM Oct 11th, 4:15 PM

Student Centered Learning in a Blended Learning Approach

Presenting onsite (preferred) / presentación in situ (preferido)

Student Centered Learning is an intentional teaching philosophy utilized in the blended learning environment. It’s about facilitating learning, not content presentation. Come discuss building rapport, learning retention, active learning, Bloom’s taxonomy, and the issue of what to do online, versus what to do in class.