Is Mission Possible Online? Exploring Mission-Oriented Online Course Designs
Strand / Líneas
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Online: Trends and Practices / Enseñanza aprendizaje y evaluación en línea: tendencias y prácticas
Room Number
Abstract / Resumen
Adventist schools have a mission to fulfill in response to Christ’s commission. In reality, however, integrating mission activities in class remains a challenge. A review of 10 online courses shows that there are four approaches to mission-oriented course designs that can be employed in online education.
Start Date
12-10-2017 2:00 PM
End Date
12-10-2017 3:00 PM
Is Mission Possible Online? Exploring Mission-Oriented Online Course Designs
Presenting onsite (preferred) / presentación in situ (preferido)
Adventist schools have a mission to fulfill in response to Christ’s commission. In reality, however, integrating mission activities in class remains a challenge. A review of 10 online courses shows that there are four approaches to mission-oriented course designs that can be employed in online education.