University Vespers: “What Is the Creation Story There To Do for Us?”

Presenter Status

Professor of Old Testament


Pioneer Memorial Church

Start Date

27-10-2017 7:30 PM

End Date

27-10-2017 9:00 PM



We understand the Biblical Creation Story best if we consider what kind of text it is, the needs of the first audiences, and the social setting it was intended for. We will appreciate how reading it aloud in worship helped enable its ancient audiences to live faithfully in the land, admiring the creation as a work of craftsmanship and seeking to form a life of imitating God. This fortifies them (and us) against some prominent temptations.


Dr. Collins served as Old Testament chair on the translation committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible, and also as the Old Testament Editor for the ESV Study Bible. Collins has served as a church planter, and his background also includes advanced studies in linguistics and biblical languages. He has written extensively on biblical languages and interpretation, and on science and the Christian faith. His published books include Did Adam and Even Really Exist?, Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?, and Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary, among others.

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Oct 27th, 7:30 PM Oct 27th, 9:00 PM

University Vespers: “What Is the Creation Story There To Do for Us?”

Pioneer Memorial Church


We understand the Biblical Creation Story best if we consider what kind of text it is, the needs of the first audiences, and the social setting it was intended for. We will appreciate how reading it aloud in worship helped enable its ancient audiences to live faithfully in the land, admiring the creation as a work of craftsmanship and seeking to form a life of imitating God. This fortifies them (and us) against some prominent temptations.


Dr. Collins served as Old Testament chair on the translation committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible, and also as the Old Testament Editor for the ESV Study Bible. Collins has served as a church planter, and his background also includes advanced studies in linguistics and biblical languages. He has written extensively on biblical languages and interpretation, and on science and the Christian faith. His published books include Did Adam and Even Really Exist?, Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?, and Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary, among others.