

"We have tried here to bring together the contribution of many who saw the incoherence in Hume’s violation theory and have proposed a different view of the universe, where the natural and the supernatural cooperate with each other, maintaining the possibility of miracles. By avoiding Hume’s proposition, they were able to present a worldview of a universe open to divine action, turning the belief in miracles into a reasonable option. Miracles, although naturally impossible, do not need to be understood as opposing natural laws, but can be interpreted as events in nature produced by a supernatural cause, having a spiritual significance that transcends the cause/effect realm of nature. Miracles do not need to be taken as gaps in our understanding of the natural world, but phenomena originated in a supernatural cause. They can be taken as evidence of the openness of creation to its Creator. Therefore, living in a scientific age does not entail the abandonment of religious beliefs about reality. In actuality, interpreting the world as a reality created by God, open to divine action, can offer a better explanation of reality than the one proposed by Hume."

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