Journal of Adventist Libraries and Archives | Andrews University


Sabrina Riley, ASDAL
Terry Dwain Robertson, Andrews University

A Journal of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians

JALA is a peer reviewed journal that includes both research and theoretical articles that address issues common to Adventist libraries and archives. It aims to foster and enrich professional practice in two distinct but conceptually related services to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These are provided by our librarians and our archivists. Their common professional bond involves the management and preservation of documents, one in the service of education, the other in the service of management and historical record. Through thoughtful communication, it is hoped to contribute to the collective expertise of our profession.

Current Volume: Volume 8 (2023)

Librarians at Work


Reimagining Freshmen Library Orientation at the Forde Library, USC
Anastasia Mulraine-Campbell and Stacyann Quintero