Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Leadership PhD

First Advisor

Elsie P. Jackson

Second Advisor

Hinsdale Bernard

Third Advisor

C.K. Conners


Problem and purpose. There are few standardized tools for diagnosing ADHD in adults. The purpose of this study was to compare a standardized rating scale (CAARS) used by different observers, with a comprehensive diagnostic interview (CAADID) with respect to their ability to diagnose subtypes of ADHD.

Method. Subjects for this study came from baseline data of 98 patients (18 to 60 years ofage) participating in a drug trial for adult ADHD. The CAADID interview results in a yes-no decision as to whether the patient meets DSM-IV criteria for the subtypes ADHD. A t -test was used to compare the CAADID-diagnosed and Not-Diagnosed subtypes with the CAARS scores as the dependent measures.

Results. The CAADID duplicates results from the CAARS, with one exception: Combined Subtype reported by an observer using the CAARS did not agree with the CAADID diagnosis.

Conclusions. In most cases different rating perspectives reveal the same picture of the patient, except by an outside observer. Data reveals that a childhood history and an extensive interview are needed to supplement ratings by an observer.

Subject Area

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder--Diagnosis, Attention-deficit disorder in adults--Diagnosis


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