Oral Breakout Sessions


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Friday, October 30th
3:00 PM

Session: Oral Session

A-1 Marriage in the Theology of Hebrews

Adriani Rodrigues, Andrews University

Buller Room 149

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session: Oral Session

B-1 Psalm 1: "From Obedience to Eternity"

Maksym S. Gordiienko, Andrews University

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session: Oral Session

C-1 Manatee Ecology and Conservation in Cuba

Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Andrews University
Anmari Alvarez-Aleman, University of Havana, Cuba
Jorge Angulo-Valdes, University of Havana, Cuba
Mindy McLarty, Andrews University

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Session: Oral Session

D-1 The Influence of Prospect Theory on Student Loans in the US: How it Affects Students with Low Socio-economic Status Backgrounds

Protas A. Makimu, Andrews University

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

3:15 PM

Session: Oral Session

A-2 What “Rest” remains? A Close Reading of Hebrews 4

Erhard H. Gallos, Andrews University

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Session: Oral Session

B-2 The Conditionality and Unconditionality in the Latter Prophets' Prophecies

Ronald Rojas, Andrews University

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Session: Oral Session

C-2 Mustard Seed Meal Influences on Velvetleaf Growth

Robert Zdor, Andrews University

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Session: Oral Session

D-2 Nationally Held Public Debt and Economic Growth: An Application to the US Economy

Lucile Sabas, Andrews University
Leroy Ruhupatty, Andrews University

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

3:30 PM

Session: Oral Session

A-3 A Semiotic Look at the Seventh-day Sabbath as a Biblical Sign [System]

Rachel Williams-Smith, Andrews University

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session: Oral Session

B-3 New Testament and Demonization: Are Demons Respecters of Persons?

Christopher R. Mwashinga, Andrews University

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session: Oral Session

C-3 Climate Change Mitigation Through Dietary Choices: Meat Analogues—A Case Study

Maximino Alfredo Mejia, Andrews University
Joan Sabate, Loma Linda University
Samuel Sotet, Loma Linda University
Griselda Uriegas-Mejia, OptiHealth, PLLC
Helen Harwatt, Loma Linda University
Sherine Brown-Fraser, Andrews University

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

Session: Oral Session

D-3 Study Abroad Best Practices

Joel Raveloharimisy, Andrews University
Ave Altius, Andrews University

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

3:45 PM

Session: Oral Session

C-4 Evaluation of anodized aluminum for potential use as an interposer for the test socket industry

Boon-Chai Ng, Andrews University
Will Allen, Andrews University
Dominique Tan-Ng, Andrews Academy
Lucas Marchado, University of Brasilia

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Session: Oral Session

D-4 Johann Samuel Schroeter Keyboard Concertos Op.5

Chi Yong Yun, Andrews University

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM