
Dissertations from 2024


Evil, Ontology, and Scripture: A Diachronic Analysis of Augustine of Hippo's Privatio Boni Concept, Jamie G. Boucher


Odd Fellows: The Intersection of Arminianism and Calvinism in the writings of Desmond Ford and F.F. Bruce, Samuel Pagán de Jesus


["At That Time"] in the Hebrew Bible and Its Role in Daniel 12:1: A Diachronic and Synchronic Study on Semantics of Narrative and Prophetic Temporality, Roger David Ruiz Araica


Doing the Dishes: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Late Bronze Age Ceramics Excavated from Hut 12 at Mokarta, Sicily, Justin Lee Singleton

Dissertations from 2023


The Body of Christ and the Law: A Comparative Study of Romans 7:4 and Galatians 2:19, Dominic Bornand


Understanding Secularized People of Metro Manila: A Case Study Approach for a Contextualized Urban Ministry Strategy, Ermela T. Dizon


Divine Attachment: A Canonical Model for Discipleship and Religious Education, Kristina Marie Freed


Which Reader? Interpretive Virtue, Ecclesial Context, and Social Location in Ephraim Radner and Richard Hays's Proposals for Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Iriann Marie Irizarry


Childhood Trauma and the Faith Maturity of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors and Seminarians, Pete A. Palmer


A Portrait of the Leadership of Women in Early Christianity: an Archaeological Study in Light of the Historical and Socio-Cultural Contexts, Carina Prestes


Dominion Shifts in Biblical Apocalyptic Literature: a Narrative Reading of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12-14 Vis-À-Vis Genesis 1-3, Flavio Prestes III


Toward a Biblical and Missiological Framework for Transformational Advocacy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Michelet William

Dissertations from 2022


"You Must Prophesy Again": The Mission of God's People in Revelation 10-14, Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar


Enduring Traditions: The Collared Pithos of Transjordan, Trisha Gallimore Broy


Isaac Newton as a Prophetic Interpreter, Kenneth Jørgensen


Indicators of Typology in the Narrative of Elijah: An Investigation into the Predictive Nature of Biblical Theology, Jônatas de Mattos Leal


An Analysis of the Use of the Writings of Ellen G. White in the Views of Herbert Douglass and Woodrow Whidden on the Human Nature of Christ, Cyril Marshall


A Study of the Language Shifts in the Book of Daniel : A Comparative Narrative Analysis of Daniel 1 and 2, 7 and 8, Laura K. Morrow


"The Best Man That Ever Trod Shoe Leather" and His "Crown of Rejoicing" : The Personal Relationship of James and Ellen White, 1845-1881, Gerson Cardoso Rodrigues

Dissertations from 2021


An Analysis and Comparison of the Missional Doctrine Hermeneutics of Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, with Emphasis on their Notions of God, Eschatology, and Mission, Elmer Arrais Guzman


Pottery Horizons of the Jalul Ceramic Assemblage in the Iron Age IIA-C from Square G4 in its Historical and Geographical Context, Michael Christian Orellana Mendez


An Exploratory Analysis of Conflict in African Immigrant and African American Marriages, Cornelius Ayodeji Osuntade

Dissertations from 2020


A Study of Nones in Brazil and the USA in Light of Secularization Theory with Missiological Implications, Jolive R. Chavez


A Hermeneutic for the Aqedah Test: A Way beyond Jon Levenson's and Terence Fretheim's Models, Arlyn Sunshine Drew


The Function of Military Language in the Feeding of the Five Thousand Narrative (Mark 6:30-44): A Narrative-Cognitive Study, Oleg Kostyuk


Function and Nature of the Heavenly Sanctuary/Temple and its Earthly Counterparts in the New Testament Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles: A Motif Study of Major Passages, Leonardo G. Nunes


A Stratigraphic Analysis of the Middle Bronze Age from the Tell Taanach Excavations in 1963, '66 and '68, Ronald H. Wakeman

Dissertations from 2019


Islam, Christianity, Traditional Religions and Power Politics in Northern Nigeria Since Pre-Islamic Period, Emmanuel M. Abar


Archaeological Backgrounds of the Sanctuary: A Search for Egyptian Cultural Influence in the Construction of the Hebrew Tent-Sanctuary, Leslie Scott Baker Jr


A Reassessment of the Excavations at Tall Safut, Owen D. Chesnut


Toward Engaging the Secular: Charles Taylor's Modern Social Imaginaries, Human Flourishing, and Theological Method, Jenifer A. Daley


Ceramic Architectural Models from the Madaba Plains Region: A Selected Art Historical Analysis, Stefanie P. Elkins


Angels and Sub-Divine Supernatural Beings: Their Characteristics, Function, and Relationship to God and Humanity in Deuteronomy-Kings, Joni Amanda McGuire-Moushon

Sanctuary/Temple in Genesis 1-3: A Reevaluation of the Biblical Evidence, Jahisber Penuela Pineda


"Let Us Make 'adam": An Edenic Model of Personal Ontology, Marla A. Samaan Nedelcu


Motivation for the Sharing of Material Possessions in Acts, Philo's De Vita Contemplativa and the Didache: A Comparative Study, Lena V. Toews


Constructing a Theology of Relational Life Through the Themes of Creation, Incarnation, and Re-Creation as an Alternative to Current Categories of Religions, Andrew Tompkins


Toward a Biblical Theology of God's Presence in Christian Theology: A Study of How Difference Interpretations of the Divine Presence affect liturgy, Karl Tsatalbasidis


The Nature of David's Kingship at Hebron: An Exegetical and Theological Study of 2 Samuel 2:1-5:5, Christian Vogel


The Theological Significance of the Relations of Freedom and Time in the Sciences and Humanities: An Evaluation of the Contributions of David Bohm and Pauli Pylkko, Michael F. Younker

Dissertations from 2018


A Theory Base and Mission-Sending Model for the South American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Silvano Barbosa


Reading As A Disclosure Of The Thoughts Of The Heart: Proto-Halakhic Reuse And Appropriation Between Torah And The Prophets, Kenneth Bergland


Family Relational Dialectics: A Systemic Model for Explaining Relational Factors Contributing to Adolescents' Faith Maturity, Life Values, and Commitment to Christ, Jasmine J. Fraser


Worship Music As Spiritual Identity: An Examination Of Music In The Liturgy Among Black And White Adventists In The United States From 1840 To 1944, David A. Williams


The Origins And Antecedents Of Joachim Of Fiore's (1135-1202) Historical-Continuous Method Of Prophetic Interpretation, Dojcin Zivadinovic

Dissertations from 2017


The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace in the Theology of Jacobus Arminius, Abner F. Hernandez


The Relationship Between Transmission of Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Attitude, and Culture, Esther M. Hooley


"Witness" And "Bearing Witness" In The Legal Settings Of The Pentateuch And The Gospel Of John: An Intertextual Study, Franklin A. Marti


A Study Of The Pokot Cultural Worldview: Missiological Implications For Seventh-Day Adventist Witness Among The Pastoral Nomads Of Kenya, Haron Matwetwe


Ethical Analysis Of Abuses Of Power In Christian Leadership - A Case Study Of "Kingly Power" In The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Zorislav Plantak


Toward A Priestly Christology: A Hermeneutical Study Of Christ's Priesthood, Adriani Milli Rodrigues


Uncovering The Protological Hermeneutics Of George McCready Price And Benjamin Warfield, Sergio L. Silva


Toward A Model Of The Ontology Of The Divine Indwelling Of Humans: A Comparative Study Of John Wesley And John Cobb, Cory Wetterlin

Dissertations from 2016


Identity Styles, Mediated by Commitment and Syncretism, as Predictors of Undergraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Selected Discipleship Practice at Vally View University in Ghana in 2015: Implications for Religious Education, Juvenal Balisasa


The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:1-13: Arguments, Issues of Interpretation, and a Way Forward, Ian R. Brown


A Theology of Missional Leadership in the Book of Revelation, Gyeongchun Choi


An Analysis of Adventist Mission Methods in Brazil in Relationship to a Christian Movement Ethos, Marcelo Eduardo da Costa Dias


The Expansion of Judah Under Uzziah into Philistia: The Historical Credibility of 2 Chronicles 26:6-7a in Light of Archaeological Evidence, Jeffrey P. Hudon


The Lived Experience of Conversion in the Broader Context of Experience of Faith Formation: A Phenomenological Study of Third- and Greater-generation Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults, Edyta Jankiewicz


Trust and Doubt: Perceptions of Divine Inspiration in Seventh-day Adventist History (1880-1930), Denis Kaiser


The Background and Meaning of the Image of the Beast in Rev. 13:14, 15, Rebekah Yi Liu


Justice, Cult, And Salvation In Isaiah 56-59: A Literary-Theological Study, Hudyard Y. Muskita


The Afterlife Views and the Use of the TaNaKh in Support of the Resurrection Concept in the Literature of Second Temple Period Judaism: The Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, Jan A. Sigvartsen


The Historical Superscriptions of Davidic Psalms: An Exegetical, Intertextual, and Methodological Analysis, Jerome L. Skinner

Dissertations from 2015


Revelation 6:9-11: An Exegesis of the Fifth Seal in the Light of the Problem of the Eschatological Delay, Patrice Allet


A Study on the Influence of Philosophical Presuppositions Relating to the Notion of the God-human Relation Upon the Interpretation of Exodus, Tiago Arrais


Union with Christ in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Katrina B. Blue


Up from Sea and Earth: Revelation 13:1, 11 in Context, Hugo Antonio Cotro


The Unity of the Church and Church Authority: a Comparative Study of the Views and Practice of Alexander Campbell and Ellen G. White, Wendy Ann Jackson


Cleansing the Common: A Narrative-Intertextual Study of Mark 7:1-23, Eike Arend Mueller


An Analysis and Response to the Fear of Evil Spiritual Forces Among Kamba Christians in the Light of Biblical and Ellen G. White Teachings, Joseph Mutune Ndisya


A Biblical and Missiological Framework for Cross-Cultural Mission: A Case Study of the Lobi Funeral Rites in Burkina Faso, Boubakar Sanou


A Comparative Study of the Concept of Atonement in the Aboakyer Festival of the Effutu Tribe in Ghana and the Yom Kippur Festival of the Old Testament: Implications for Adventist Mission Among the Effutu, Emmanuel H. Takyi


The Function of 'Hope' as a Lexical and Theological Keyword in the Psalter: A Structural-Theological Study of Five Psalms (PSS 42-43, 52, 62, 69, 71) within their Final Shape Context (Pss 42-72), Christine Maria Vetne

Dissertations from 2014


The Eschatological Role of the Jerusalem Temple: An Examination of Jewish Writings Dating from 586 BCE to 70 CE, Eric W. Baker


The Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9: An Exegetical and Theological Study, Stephane A. Beaulieu


Adventist Medical Mission in Botswana: Toward an Effective and Appropriate Model, Olaotse Obed Gabasiane


The Spirit of the Lord and Obedience to God's Law : an Exegetical, Intertextual, and Theological Study of Ezekiel 36:27, James Waita Mutua


Towards a Missiological Model for Worldview Transformation among Adherents to African Traditional Religion in Yorubaland, Kelvin Okey Onongha


The Sin Against the Holy Spirit in the Writings of G. C. Berkouwer and E. G. White: a Comparative Study and Ethical Implications, Michael Davey Pearson

Dissertations from 2013


The Influence of University Personnel Upon Students' Spirituality at Selected Adventist Universities in West Africa, Isaiah Ola Abolarin


The Role of Religious Orientation and Ethnic Identity on Religious Coping Among Bereaved Individuals, Luis G. Cruz-Ortega


Structure and Mission Effectiveness: a Study Focused on Seventh-day Adventist Mission to Unreached People Groups Between 1980 and 2010, Abraham Guerrero

Dissertations from 2012


Toward a Holistic Interdisciplinary Model of Human Being: a Hebraic-Christian Perspective of the Human Observer and its Beneficial Impact on the Theology-and-Science Dialogue, Society, and the Environment, Karen K. Abrahamson


The Markan "Divorce" Pericope: an Exegesis, Carlos C. Camarena


A Delphi Study of the Biblical/Doctrinal Knowledge That Ministers of Christian Churches/Churches of Christ Consider Essential for Spiritual Development, Jeffrey D. Derico


The Persian Period Pottery of Tall Al-'Umayri, Philip R. Drey


A Study of Warfare Theodicy in the Writings of Ellen G. White and Gregory A. Boyd, Martha O. Duah


The Relationship Between Liturgical Practice and Spirituality in the Church of the Nazarene with Special Reference to John Wesley's Doctrine of Christian Perfection, Dirk Ray Ellis


The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study, Phillip J. Long


The Concept of Divine Love in the Context of the God-World Relationship, John C. Peckham


God and Integrity: a Case Study of Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Norman L. Geisler, Augustin Tchamba


The Meaning and Function of System in Theology, Timothy Watson


"Clothes Make the (One Like a Son of) Man": Dress Imagery in Revelation 1 as an Indicator of High Priestly Status, Ross E. Winkle

Dissertations from 2011


A Comparative Analysis of the Origin and Divine Causation of Death in Ancient Near Eastern Literature and in the Old Testament, Lazarus Castang


A Missiological Study of the Phenomenon of Dual Allegiance in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Among the Yoruba People of Nigeria, Paul Adekunle Dosunmu


The Sabbath in the Pentateuch: an Exegetical and Theological Study, Mathilde Frey


Katapausis and Sabbatismos in Hebrews 4, Erhard Gallos


The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889, Theodore N. Levterov


A Comparative Study of the Concept of Atonement in the Writings of John R. W. Stott and Ellen G. White, Lawrence O. Oladini