Volume 7, Number 1 (2013)
We Speak What We Know
JACL Editors
Leadership Interview
Reflections on Spiritual Leadership [interview with Richard Blackaby]
Stanley E. Patterson
Feature Articles
Up the Down Path: Power, Ambition, and Spiritual Leadership
Stanley E. Patterson
The Influence of Christian Education on Leadership Development
Jeffery S. McMaster
Leadership Lived
Project Compassion
Peter Edward Burch
Reflection on April 1, 2011—Nahid
Tom Decker
Salvation in the Dirt
David Morgan
Spiritual or Religious Leadership: What Do You Practice? What Should You Practice?
Duane M. Covrig, Janet Ledesma, and Gary Gifford
Book Reviews
Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck -- Why Some Thrive Despite Them All [review] / Collins, Jim and Morton T. Hansen
Steven D. Reece
The Moral Imperative Realized [review] / Fullan, Michael
Barbara J. Spencer
Empowering Laity, Engaging Leaders: Tapping the Root for Ministry [review] / Gillies, Susan E. and M. Ingrid Dvirnak
David K. Penno
Resolving Everyday Conflict [review] / Sande, Ken and Kevin Johnson
Fenades Obinchu and Stanley E. Patterson
Eat that Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time [review] / Tracy, Brian
Michael Adomako and Stanley E. Patterson
Leadership Resources
A Study of Pastors, their Leadership and the Results of their Churches [Dissertation Notice]
C. D. Hines
Predicting Leadership Practices from Spirituality in Female Leaders of Corporations [Disstertation Notice]
C. F. Johnson