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Site Names

Hisban, Hesban, Hesbon, Heshbon, Esbus, حسبان, חשבון

Creation Date


Descriptor Level A

Area C

Descriptor Level B

Square No. 1

Descriptor Level C

Basket No. 40

Descriptor Level D

Locus No. 1


Obj. Reg. No. 69

Stratum: 02

Material: Faience and Glass

Period: Possibly Modern, Late + Early Arabic (Islamic), Undistinguished sherds/objects

Allocated to: AUAM 68.108

Notes: Black with gray striations; 2.5 Y 8/6 "yellow"; coming off (painted)

Black mottled (bead), 3 gray-yellow dots on it

I. B. 1. a (Circular perimeter, Short, Oblate/Spherical/Ellipsoid profile) (Beck, 1928)

See Beck on Spot Beads, pp. 42 + 63

One of the "simplest form(s) of eye bead"; "one or more large spots of colored glass attached to a matrix of another color"; "left standing above the surface of the matrix" (Beck, p. 63)

Raised spot Eye bead XLCI. A. 2. a.

cf. Fig. 56, Egypt, XVIII th Dynasty.


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