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Site Names

Hisban, Hesban, Hesbon, Heshbon, Esbus, حسبان, חשבון

Creation Date


Descriptor Level A

Area A

Descriptor Level B

Square No. 4

Descriptor Level C

Basket No. 4

Descriptor Level D

Locus No. 1


Stratum: 01

Obj. Reg. No. 37

Material: Glass

Period: Late + Early Arabic (Islamic), Byzantine, 1 Roman

Allocated to: AUAM 68.086

Notes: color: greenish blue; brighter blue band around indentations; closest 5 G 5/2 "Grayish green"

Blue, irregular shape, and flecks of white

I. C. 2. e. (Circular perimeter, Standard, Bicone profile); the indented ridge around the diameter gives this impression

Length: 8.5; Diameter: 0.83


Image Location