
This session will explore the balance and tension between the teacher’s freedom to pursue truth, develop views, and discuss the “Big Questions” in the classroom, and the University’s freedom to promote a confessional environment, an aspect of academic freedom that is often overlooked. Nicholas Miller will lead a dialogue with representatives from theology and religion, the sciences and the humanities, which will include a discussion of statements of belief and their possible role in the academy.


Nicholas Miller is a lawyer and professor of church history at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. He has published a number of books on history and religious liberty, and has a book proposal that has been accepted by the Andrews University Press on comparing methodologies in different academic disciplines, including history, theology and science. It has the working title of "Reading God’s Two Books: Essays in Adventist Views of Nature and Revelation," and is scheduled for release in 2018.

Teresa Reeve is an Associate Professor of New Testament and Associate Dean of the Seminary. With a PhD from the University of Notre Dame, her research interests include women’s contributions to theological thought, women’s ordination and nonconformity within the church.

Tom Goodwin is Chair of the Biology Department at Andrews University. His paleontology PhD is from the University of Kansas. His current research interest is in studying fossilized ground squirrels as well as the use of rodent incisors as biorecorders. He teaches a class in Historical and Philosophical Biology.

Scott Moncrief – Scott is a Professor of English at Andrews University. His PhD in literature is from University of California, Riverside. He plays bass in a local jazz quartet. His current research interest is in the area of teaching potentially controversial narratives.

Dave Nowack is Professor of Biochemistry and Chair of the Chemistry Department at Andrews University. His PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry is from Purdue University.


BUL 207

Start Date

8-18-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

8-18-2017 11:00 AM

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Aug 18th, 10:00 AM Aug 18th, 11:00 AM

Big Questions in the Classroom and Academic Freedom

BUL 207

This session will explore the balance and tension between the teacher’s freedom to pursue truth, develop views, and discuss the “Big Questions” in the classroom, and the University’s freedom to promote a confessional environment, an aspect of academic freedom that is often overlooked. Nicholas Miller will lead a dialogue with representatives from theology and religion, the sciences and the humanities, which will include a discussion of statements of belief and their possible role in the academy.