Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

R. Clifford Jones

Second Advisor

Eduard E. Schmidt

Third Advisor

Walter B.T. Douglas



Some pastors in the South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists feel challenged by the ministry of the laity. One reason is the lack of a clear understanding of the biblical and theological perspectives on empowering and equipping the laity. Consequently, the potential of the laity is not fully utilized.


Current literature was reviewed. This included books and articles on the principles, strategies, and programs which assist pastors to develop’ their empowering and equipping skills. A comparison was done between the ministry of the pastors and the laity in the South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. An evaluation of selected equipping programs was completed. Seminars were developed for pastors to empower and equip the laity.


Empowering and equipping is an indispensable ministry in a church. To make it optional is to neglect the training of new church members, older church members, and church leaders. A church cannot have a positive influence in community services without a prayerful, systematic training of its membership. With carefully correlated ongoing church membership training, a church can have an effective ministry which will enrich its gospel commission. This is the challenge of the ministry of membership training. The doctrines of spiritual gifts and the priesthood of all believers need to be understood by pastors and members. The mobilization of church members to exercise their ministry should be based on their areas of giftedness. The role of the pastor is many faceted. It is very clear that the main function is to equip the members to develop their own ministry in building up the church (Eph 4:11, 12) . As members are equipped and empowered, they become liberated to perform ministry.

Subject Area

Laity--Seventh-day Adventists--Caribbean Area; South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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