Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Jon Paulien

Second Advisor

Jon Dybdahl

Third Advisor

John McVay



The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a seminar that will help Christians learn how to incorporate Scripture memorization into their devotional life. Biblical and scientific evidence is explored to encourage individuals to consider memorization as an important tool for improving their understanding of the Bible and their spiritual life. Further purposes include uncovering principles and techniques that aid memorization, and gaining a clear understanding of their Scriptural and scientific grounds. This project explains the content and reviews the effectiveness of a seminar designed to equip Christians with the means of incorporating this discipline into their devotional life.


Twenty-eight individuals participated in the seminar, held first in a local church and later at a conference camp meeting. Surveys administered over the course of six months formed the basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the seminar.


The proportion of participants involved in a memorization plan after the seminar was significantly larger ip < .05) than the proportion before the seminar. All, however, continued to experience some level of frustration with the discipline of Scripture memorization.


Interest in Scripture memorization was high among the participants, and increased further after attending the seminar. Responses from participants suggested that more interactive materials, such as study sheets and active practice with some memorization principles, would have produced even better results.

Subject Area

Bible--Memorizing; Spiritual formation--Seventh-day Adventists

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