Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Donna Habenicht

Second Advisor

Fritz Guy

Third Advisor

Nancy Vyhmeister


Purpose of the Project

It is the purpose of this project to prepare and field-test for pastoral use a series of six workshop presentations for parents on child training and discipline.

Description of the Project

The project consists of two papers: A theological position paper and a professional-application paper. In the theological position paper a study was made of selected ways and methods God used to discipline and correct the waywardness of the human family. Biblical principles of child training advocated by leading evangelical scholars and writers are compared with Scripture and the writings of Ellen G. White and theologically evaluated. The professional-application paper describes the development of the workshop on child discipline. It includes actual manuscripts of the workshop lectures. Each lecture is preceded by an outline and a statement of objectives. Reconmendations and observations growing out of the project are also included.

:The workshop was field tested in both the Niles, Michigan, and South Bend, Indiana, Seventh-day Adventist Churches. An effort was made to involve the volunteer participants in the active use of the principles being taught through activities and take-home assignments. A pre-test and a post-test evaluation of participants' understanding of disciplinary methods was conducted.

Subject Area

Discipline of children; Child rearing; Parent and child

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