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He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament
The Bible opens with a statement that forms the basis of our faith:
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). This is the foundation of all biblical theology, because it tells us that life began when a Creator spoke it into existence. This is where we encounter the God whose power is matched only by His love for His creation.
He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament is the result of an interaction between Seventh-day Adventist Bible scholars, scientists, and educators. Listening to one another, they engaged contemporary science and biblical scholarship constructively on this important issue. The book is the first volume in a series characterized by engagement with the biblical text itself with the aim of helping both scientists and interested non specialists to grasp the significance of biblical Creation, its terminology, and theology.
At its core, Creation is all about who we are, what our destiny is, and how God chooses to save a world that is in direct rebellion with its Creator. For the God of creation is also the God of salvation, and He will ultimately re-create an earth that has been corrupted by thousands of years of sin. The Creation account contains an echo of hope that rings through the centuries—and keeps tugging at our hearts. (From ABC website)
Publication Date
Pacific Press
Nampa, ID
Biblical Studies
First Department
Old Testament
Recommended Citation
Klingbeil, Gerald, "He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament" (2015). All Books. 41.