Creating An Interactive Classroom

Type of Presentation

25 minute Best Practices Session Presentation

Proposal for Presentation

How do we truly engage with our students?

In the classroom there are a number of things going on, and it takes a lot to get a full class engaged. How do we do it? How do we keep our students actively engaged? In this presentation we will be discussing Chapter 13 in a resource called: Teaching by Principles and intertwined will be discussion of our respective classroom experiences. In this presentation we will be able to engage in meaningful conversation and together be able to learn and improve upon what we have tried, accomplished and failed to do.


Brown, H. Douglas, and Heekyeong Lee. Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Pearson Education, 2015.

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Creating An Interactive Classroom

How do we truly engage with our students?

In the classroom there are a number of things going on, and it takes a lot to get a full class engaged. How do we do it? How do we keep our students actively engaged? In this presentation we will be discussing Chapter 13 in a resource called: Teaching by Principles and intertwined will be discussion of our respective classroom experiences. In this presentation we will be able to engage in meaningful conversation and together be able to learn and improve upon what we have tried, accomplished and failed to do.