
Virtual Conference

Start Date

19-5-2021 12:00 AM

End Date

21-5-2021 12:00 AM


The purpose of this research is to provide evidence-based natural therapies that enhance the immune system to fight the virus SARS CoV-2. Successful lessons learned from controlling previous 1918 pandemic flu will be discussed. We hypothesize that targeting lifestyle factors such as diet, and hydrothermal therapy can control and reduce the risk for COVID-19 disease. Enhancing the innate immune system through natural therapies has shown to enhance immune cells to fight COVID-19 and destroy it.


May 19th, 12:00 AM May 21st, 12:00 AM

Systematic review of evidence-based natural therapies for the prevention and treatment of COVID-l9.

Virtual Conference

The purpose of this research is to provide evidence-based natural therapies that enhance the immune system to fight the virus SARS CoV-2. Successful lessons learned from controlling previous 1918 pandemic flu will be discussed. We hypothesize that targeting lifestyle factors such as diet, and hydrothermal therapy can control and reduce the risk for COVID-19 disease. Enhancing the innate immune system through natural therapies has shown to enhance immune cells to fight COVID-19 and destroy it.