Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Wellington V. Barbosa

Second Advisor

Silvano Barbosa

Third Advisor

Elton de Moraes



In a world facing constant changes, the School of Evangelism of South American Division emerges as another key element in preparing and inspiring district pastors to lead effective evangelism campaigns. The reality presents unique missionary challenges, and thus, the urgency to strengthen communal faith and expand public evangelism becomes more pressing. This thesis addresses the crucial importance of reformulating guidelines and updating the curriculum of the School of Evangelism to meet new spiritual and missionary demands. The aim of this thesis is to answer the following question: In what way can a training program in public evangelism help district pastors carry out more efficient evangelistic campaigns in the South American Division? This research seeks not only to strengthen the bonds with new church members but also to stimulate a greater number of public evangelism initiatives. It intends to highlight the active role of district pastors in this process of renewal and missionary engagement, emphasizing the relevance of their involvement for the vitality and growth of the religious community.


The methodological strategy adopted for this thesis was based on the action research method, characterized by close collaboration between researchers and individuals representing the situation or problem at hand. Under this approach, the training was conceived and implemented through six distinct phases, each with a specific purpose, namely: (1) observation, (2) reflection, (3) research, (4) elaboration, (5) application, and (6) evaluation. In the initial observation phase, a thorough and detailed assessment of the current scenario was conducted. To truly understand the reality of district pastors, it was crucial to immerse deeply and extensively in the work context and experiences lived. This need was met through various data collection methods. In the subsequent reflection phase, the collected data and information were examined in detail, focusing on practices and results associated with church growth, with special emphasis on public evangelism series. The research stage marked progress towards academic construction, focusing on the development of a solid theological and theoretical foundation for public evangelism fundamentals. In the elaboration phase, the experimental development of pastors was presented as a process aimed at enhancing skills and competencies through practical knowledge and experimentation. During the application phase, curricular matrices for each module presented during the training were established, along with the definition of an appropriate model program for knowledge sharing. To conclude, the approach adopted for the evaluation in this thesis was predominantly quantitative, utilizing a variety of analyses, including univariate, multivariate, and variance techniques. Additionally, a structured form was used to quantify knowledge transfer and assess the impact of training on the performance of each pastor.


The research revealed significant results regarding the impact of ministerial training in public evangelism on the involved pastors. With a notably positive response, 92% of pastors reported that the content presented during the training program would have a beneficial effect, increasing their personal productivity in ministry. This high percentage reflects an optimistic expectation that the received training can enhance not only their practical skills but also the effectiveness of their ministerial work. Additionally, 96% of participants expressed feeling equipped to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired, confirming that the training provided the necessary tools for them to implement tangible improvements in their daily activities. The adoption of effective teaching methods was also recognized, with 91% of pastors indicating that the pedagogical approach adopted contributed to an increase in confidence in the applicability of the teachings in their specific ministerial contexts. The conviction that the continuous application of the learned content will lead to more effective ministry was shared by 94% of the respondents, highlighting a direct correlation between constant practice and improvement in ministerial performance. Furthermore, the motivation generated by the training process was widely observed as a catalyst for potential positive transformation in ministry, with an inspiring influence that could trigger a wave of change and continuous development.


The findings obtained in this study reinforce the success of the training program, as evidenced by the large number of pastors who acknowledged the importance of the acquired learning. This high recognition rate highlights that the program was not only relevant but also exerted a significant influence on the enhancement of district pastors' skills in public evangelism. The positive analysis and validation by pastors regarding the program reinforce its relevance and effectiveness. Furthermore, the practical and contextualized approach adopted by the program, which directly aligns with the challenges faced by pastors in their roles, had a substantial impact on the quality of their work. This promoted considerable enhancement in their leadership and mission skills. The comprehensive strategy adopted by the program, encompassing stages of coordination, compassion, connection, cultivation, harvest, and continuity, demonstrates a successful model of development and implementation for public evangelism in district pastoral ministry.

Subject Area

Evangelistic work--South America--Seventh-day Adventists; Seventh-day Adventists--Clergy--Training of

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