Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Werner Vyhmeister

Second Advisor

Lawrence T. Geraty

Third Advisor

Donald Jacobsen


To investigate the method of a selected number of evangelists who are using the Bible lands travelogue-archaeological approach, to ascertain what they consider as the most significant and seemingly effective characteristics of their methods was the purpose of this project. Then, incorporating these findings, to develop an approach that may help the author and other evangelists to use this method effectively in public evangelism, has been the problem under investigation in this study.

The project was organized into three main parts. The first searches for a justification for a Bible lands travelogue approach. The second analyzes the method as it is being used by other evangelists and reports on the answers to a questionnaire administered to a sample group of them. The third part deals with the strategies/ methods, and techniques suggested by the author for the use of this evangelistic approach.

The information provided by other evangelists who use this method suggests that part of the strength of this approach—its usefulness to attract large audiences—is lost as far as number of accessions to the church is concerned, when Bible lands travelogue and archaeology are used primarily to attract people. Based on his own experience, the author suggests an approach that makes Bible lands archaeology and travelogue an integral part of the nightly program throughout the crusade, linking in a natural way Biblical archaeology and geography with Christian doctrine.

Subject Area

Evangelistic work

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