Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Arnold A. Kurtz

Second Advisor

Fritz Guy

Third Advisor

Ruth Murdoch


The hypothesis o f the study states that an internalized grasp of the pardoning love of God revealed in Jesus Christ will tend to motivate Christians to a life of Godly activity . At the same time it is recognized that the human being is motivated on the basis of certain natural needs, the need for a sense o f belonging, esteem, and self- fulfillment. The study shows how the motive force o f God's forgiveness through Christ affects the natural motivational drives of humanity in the local church setting . The possible effect on the local church of intentionally bringing in the word of divine pardon to mingle with the natural, psychospiritual need-drives is central to the study.

In laying the theological foundation, the plight of humanity and specifically the Christian human is discussed. The Christian person is shown to be in a struggling though motivationally healthy state being in perpetual need of God's pardoning grace. Jesus Christ is seen to be the one who has successfully resolved the human dilemma. He, as God's ideal man, has met savingly with humanity at the level of its most pressing need. As the good news of what God has accomplished in Christ penetrates the receptive mind, faith is engendered and forgiveness is extended, becoming the ongoing motivational principle not only of the individual, but of the communal life of the church as a body.

In the application portion of the study, the theological principles , specifically the motivational force of the pardoning love o f Christ, is applied to three dimensions o f the local church. At the same time, the natural motivating needs of humanity are also brought to bear on the same three dimensions which are: the way in which the pastor approaches motivation in the church--the ethical dimensions the way the principles of motivation are applied with theological responsibility in worship, preaching and counseling; and finally, how the principles of motivation may be applied in the goal setting , planning, and general organizational management of the church as an organization.

Subject Area

Motivation (Psychology); Seventh-day Adventists

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