PL-4 Partnership as Mission: Advancing Scholarship Through Publications

Presenter Status

Professor of World Mission and Intercultural Studies, Department of World Mission

Preferred Session

Oral Session

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Start Date

30-10-2015 1:40 PM

End Date

30-10-2015 2:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

This presentation provides a summary of a few examples of how creative scholarship can be advanced through presentations in various mission conferences and via academic publications. The results of these academic partnerships done through presentations and publications can be seen in various levels: from creating awareness, and then by way of organizing and hosting mission conferences, to implementation of innovative mission projects, and long-term training programs.

In the presentation I will showcase the following three books as examples of successful partnerships:

1)- Passport to Mission, Cheryl Doss, ed. (Third Revised Edition, 2009): co-author and co-translator. I will also explain the connection of the book and the new major mission conferences called “I Will Go” that are taking place in South and Central America.

2)- The Book and the Student: Theological Education as Mission (2012): editor and writer of introduction and two chapters.

3)- Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa (2015): co-editor with Bruce Bauer.

I will also briefly highlight two articles written in partnership with a couple of colleagues:

1)- “Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement – Part I (Ministry, Vol. 87, Numbers 7/8: 52-56), and Part II Ministry, Vol. 87, Number 9: 23-26). Co-authored with Marcelo Dias (These articles will also be published in Portuguese by Revista Ministério early in 2016).

2)- “The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission.” In Preach the Word, Artur Stele, editor. Silver Spring, MD: BRI. (Pp. 65-93?). Forthcoming 2015/2016? Co-authored with Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar.

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Oct 30th, 1:40 PM Oct 30th, 2:00 PM

PL-4 Partnership as Mission: Advancing Scholarship Through Publications

This presentation provides a summary of a few examples of how creative scholarship can be advanced through presentations in various mission conferences and via academic publications. The results of these academic partnerships done through presentations and publications can be seen in various levels: from creating awareness, and then by way of organizing and hosting mission conferences, to implementation of innovative mission projects, and long-term training programs.

In the presentation I will showcase the following three books as examples of successful partnerships:

1)- Passport to Mission, Cheryl Doss, ed. (Third Revised Edition, 2009): co-author and co-translator. I will also explain the connection of the book and the new major mission conferences called “I Will Go” that are taking place in South and Central America.

2)- The Book and the Student: Theological Education as Mission (2012): editor and writer of introduction and two chapters.

3)- Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa (2015): co-editor with Bruce Bauer.

I will also briefly highlight two articles written in partnership with a couple of colleagues:

1)- “Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement – Part I (Ministry, Vol. 87, Numbers 7/8: 52-56), and Part II Ministry, Vol. 87, Number 9: 23-26). Co-authored with Marcelo Dias (These articles will also be published in Portuguese by Revista Ministério early in 2016).

2)- “The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission.” In Preach the Word, Artur Stele, editor. Silver Spring, MD: BRI. (Pp. 65-93?). Forthcoming 2015/2016? Co-authored with Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar.